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Note to Self

Dear Bria,

Whether this is getting sent to your past self or your future self, the message is the same; love yourself. Everything you encompass. Do not let the “single story” that has been painted for you by the world define you. You are great. You are beautiful. Even if you do not always want to be the bigger person or dependent on others, it is okay. Life is not meant to be experienced alone. People love you. They love who you are becoming. Let them love you. Do you remember the poem about the rain you wrote called Soft Rain? You were learning how to use personification. If not, let me remind you:

I’m the soft rain slumping down from heaven.

I refresh the flowers with a gentle tickle.

I love to sing “drip, drop, drip, drop.”

Now I’m dancing on the window pane.

I’m going to be lifted up by the sun now.

Bye bye

You are still soft rain. You do what you can for others, but not everyone will enjoy the rain when it comes no matter how sweet it is. Focus on those who dance with you in the rain. Be gentle with yourself.

Loving you more than you think,

Bria (September 2018)



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