I’m a big baby 😳 ...
So can I share a dream I had with you? Okay cool.
This is what happened in my dream (February 2nd, 2022):
I got pregnant, but the dream started with me conceiving (I will not share all the spicy details of how 😅😆😭). It was a little problematic the way it happened, but here I was in my dream with a baby.
It is so interesting how dreams jump around and still make sense because one minute I was pregnant, and the next, I was holding my baby 😅. It just skipped the whole nine months and delivery process. Like how crazy, but anyway, Bria, stay focused.
I had my newborn baby, and I was traveling with my family. It seems all nice to be traveling and experience new things surrounded by those you love 🥰, but for some reason, I excluded myself from the group. I had booked my flight and was not flying with my family.
So my newborn and I was supposed to fly alone 😳.
And surprise! That did not happen. When I booked the flight, I failed to mention my lap child. So I thought quickly on my feet and decided, "I will just drive."
A bit of context: We are going to the New England area, which was 6 - 8 hours away.
My family was like, “Bria, are you sure?”
I was like, "Yeah! I’ll drive with a newborn alone in a car for 8 hours."
They tried to get me to book a flight on their plane, but there was no room. So my baby and I left the terminals and went to rent a car.
And this process was 10x harder than I expected 🥵.
And I woke up before I could arrive at our destination, but there was a piece of this dream that blew my mind 🤯🤯🤯.
I was carrying my baby every second of the dream.
I have had dreams like this before. And it is interesting how similar but different they were.
The last time, I never saw the face of my baby. This time I saw their face. She was the cutest baby I have ever seen 😍.
I adored them, but I did not know how to hold the baby.
I struggled to hold them and be aware of my child during the dream.
I was making decisions without the consideration of my newborn. Like who in their right mind drives 8 hours with a newborn ALONE if they do not have to 😅.
I want you to see the parallel between my dream and my relationship with myself. Because I am myself and the newborn in this dream 😅.
My newborn symbolizes my relationship with myself, especially my inner child 🙇🏾♀️.
I am always carrying my inner child with me everywhere I go. And sometimes, I struggle holding space for them and being aware of their presence in my body.
Although, I am currently navigating making space to sit with my inner child. I have grown a lot 🪴.
I cannot exactly remember when I had the dream when I could not see my baby's face.
I do remember the feeling of the dream.
I was wildly territorial and did not want to be seen or want people to notice me at all.
I was offended in this dream. Everyone told me that my child was so cute, and I could even see my child.
I hope this story makes sense because I am not just talking about a couple of dreams.
It is about the internal relationship that I have with myself. Sitting with yourself and getting to know yourself takes time ✨.
It is just like any other relationship in your life. It takes time and effort.
And just being aware of the current relationship you have with yourself will help you create the experiences you want in the future.
So this is just a gentle reminder that you have your whole life to get to know yourself.
Be patient 😌.
Where you are right now has a message and lesson for you.
Book a sales call with me to learn more about my 1:1 coaching to help you create habits and routines that work for you, so you can rediscover who you are. I will help you dedicate time every day to connect with yourself.
I believe all the answer you are looking for is inside of you. You get to have space to listen to what your body is trying to communicate with you, so you can respond with intention.