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Begin Your Embodiment Journey

You are not alone as you start the new year! I am here to BE your accountability buddy as you decide to embody all that you desire 🥰.

Before you can begin your embodiment journey, you must first decide what you want and how you want to feel. The key here is to be very specific about your desires, wants, and needs.

If you are struggling to figure out what you want, try answering one of the following questions:

  • If I could do anything without the fear of failure, what would you do?

  • If you had access to all the resources in the world and didn't have to worry about money, what would you be?

  • Imagine you had no preconceived ideas of the world, how would you live your life?

Until you are truly honest with yourself with what you want, the universe can not help co-create the life of your dreams.


The BE series is an interactive podcast series to help you create space to reflect and journal as you begin to get clear in what you want.

The first episode, BE Love, is available now. This series will go on for the next three weeks.

Dive Deeper - Listen to the Podcast

Join us on Instagram, and share insights and what you learned with us as we support all the women who are apart of the Embodiment Challenge.

I will be going live each week of this series on Instagram to create even more space for you to reflect as you begin to live a life that is unique to your needs and desires.


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